> You feel you have gaps in your knowledge of climate change
> You would like to better connect all the dots on climate change
> You are facing challenges in your company to raise awareness and empower others around you, and you are looking for simple but powerful tools
> and/or you are simply very curious to discover a tool that has already gathered 500 000+ participants and convinced many corporates!
Join our Climate Fresk Workshop
on Wed., 09 Nov. 2022, from 3 to 6 pm
or Wed., 23 Nov. 2022, from 8:30 to 11:30 am!
Language: German and/or English according to attendees
Location: Munich Impact Hub (Gotzinger Str. 8, München), Google Maps
How does it work?
Based on the IPCC report, the Climate Fresk workshop explains the climate functioning and the consequences of its disruption. It gives the opportunity to learn a lot in a very short period of time and addresses both novices and experts.
The workshop is based on a 42-card game. Each card represents an element, a cause, or a consequence of climate change.
As a team, guided by your facilitator, you are to find the cause-effect relationship between the different components of climate change. Collective intelligence will get you from one deck of cards to the next!
10min - Welcome
1h30 - Building the "fresk" - a visual representation of climate change
20min - Recap & Emotions
1h - Discussion on solutions & actions
Networking time

Why train with Climate Fresk?

Experienced facilitators

Faciliated by
- Bénédicte Herbout
- Marie Queneuille

I want to join this Climate Fresk workshop,
Sign me up!
10% of the fees goes to Climate Fresk association.
* Excl. VAT
Disclaimer: The Climate Fresk runs many Climate Fresk sessions a month, the facilitators volunteer their time. Bénédicte and Marie run volunteer sessions over there at least once every month.
We strongly feel that people's time should be valued. This is an intense workshop to deliver to a high standard, therefore, we feel facilitators should be compensated for their time. Hence offering these sessions for a fee here. 10% of ticket price goes to Climate Fresk.
We aim to direct these sessions to those already in touch with the CHANGESthatMATTER network, so as to not conflict with the more public Climate Fresk presence.