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2 hours of inspiring and hands-on content, games, and discussion

to help you move your business towards sustainability 

your sustainable transformation

You are a Managing Director, a Chief Sustainability Officer, a Sustainability/CSR Manager,

or any other sustainability professional who: 

Wants to accelerate your company´s sustainable transformation,

Wants to achieve more positive impacts,

Struggles to prioritize and know what to do ...


Join our workshop on Thursday, 20 October 2022, from 6 to 8 pm!

Language: English

Location: Munich (will be communicated with the registration confirmation)

After 1,5-hour of inspiring and hands-on content, games, and exchanges,

we will have time for networking.

Image social media Claire Benedicte_edited.png

Faciliated by
- Claire Floreani,
- Bénédicte Herbout
- Marie Queneuille


What this event will bring you


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