Sustainability Events in December 2022
Almost the end of the calendar year.
For the next 2 weeks, we have selected a couple of events for you, in #german, #english #online that we think would be worth attending.
Take 1 to 3 hours to develop your sustainability skills!
> 6 Dec. COP27 Debrief Session zur COP27: Nächste Schritte für Unternehmen | UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland | Online | German
> 6 Dec. Biodiversity Collage, 3-hour interactive and collaborative workshop to raise awareness around the stakes of biodiversity collapsing | Online | English
> 6 Dec. Webinarreihe Klimamanagement | Scope 3 nachgelagert: Bilanzierung und Reduktion von THG-Emissionen aus der Wertschöpfungskette | UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland | Online | German
> 14 Dec.: Climate Fresk Workshop, Understanding our climate system in just three hours | Online | English
> 15 Dec.: Climate Pitch, 1-hour interactive and fun conference to understand the main issues linked to climate change and the means | Online | English