Sustainability Events in October 2022
We have selected a couple of events for you, in #german, #english #online or #in-person that we think would be worth attending!
We are looking forward to meeting or e-meeting you there!
> 03 Oct.: Enhanced CoP - requirements and useful tips for preparation and submission, UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland | Webinar
> 05 Oct.: Regional SBT Exchange - Energiesektor, UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland | Webinar (in English)
> 10-12 Oct.: European SDG Summit 2022: Together for an Inclusive Green Deal | Webinar (in English)
> 11 Oct.: Green Marketing Days | Munich
> 18-20 Oct.: Sustainability Heroes 2022, best practices and solutions on regulatory developments | Online
> 18 Oct.: UN GCD Dialogserie #weitergedacht: Systemisches Unternehmenshandeln zum Management der Klima- und Umweltkrise | Webinar
> 20 Oct.: Fast-track your sustainable transformation, CHANGESthatMATTER | Munich (in English)
> 26 Oct.: Das Klima Puzzle, Understanding our climate system in just three hours | Munich